Creating and saving Polarr filters

A Polarr filter is a custom preset containing a series of adjustments you've made. Once you make a filter, you can use it over and over again with a single touch — and you can share it with others through a custom QR code image. Here are the steps to get started:

1. Edit your image 


Polarr filters can be made using global or selective adjustments, including overlays, facial adjustments, depth and more.

2. Tap on either "Filters" or the "Import" icon in the top right and choose “Create Filter” 

"Filters" -> "Create filter"


"Import" -> "Create filter"


 3. Configure your filter


You can configure your filter as either a scannable QR code or a short text code, and choose whether or not you want to display your preview image and your Polarr username. Tap Save to download the image into your camera roll. You can then share that image with others privately or publicly through social media. When people scan your QR code, they'll be able to use your filter inside the Polarr.

5. Apply your filter


Once you've made a filter, you'll see it in the "Created" section in your filters tray. Anyone else who imports your filter can find it too, under "Saved" or "Liked". Now it's easy to apply that filter to any image with just one tap!



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