How does a Polarr filter work on my photos?

When you import a Polarr filter you found on the internet, the filter will attempt to match the creator's adjustment with your own photo, which means color selections will be applied on colors you have in your photo, object selections will apply to objects you have in your photo. You can find out what adjustments are included in a Polarr filter in here

  • If a filter has global adjustments, applying the filter overwrites your global adjustments. Otherwise, the resulted effect keeps your global adjustments.
  • If a filter has any overlays, applying the filter overwrites all overlays. Otherwise, the resulted effects keep your overlays.
  • If a filter has face adjustments, applying the filter overwrite all face adjustments. Otherwise, the resulted effects keep your face adjustments.
  • For each type of selections: If a filter has selections of any type (such as color, object, linear, etc), applying the filter overwrites all your selections of that type. Otherwise, the resulted effects keep your selections adjustments of that type. For example, if you have both radial and linear selection adjustments, but the filter only has radial adjustments, then the filter overwrites your radial adjustment, but not your linear adjustments.
  • Your brush selections are never overwritten by a filter.
  • You can always undo a filter application step and go back to state of edit before the filter was applied. You never lose the history of your edits when applying filters.


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