When you create a Polarr filter, the following adjustments can be included.
Global adjustments
- Light
- Color
- Curves
- Toning
- Effects
- Vignette
- Fringing
- Grain
- Detail
Selections (can include multiple selections of any type)
- Radial
- Linear
- Color
- Luminance
- Depth
- Objects (A.I. detected, such as sky, person, ground, etc)
- Refinements to selections
- Reflect
- Invert
- Feather
- Smoothing
- Opacity
Overlays (can include multiple overlays of any type)
- Texture & Images
- Gradient
- Duotone
- Any overlay inside selections
- Custom overlays (beta)
- Settings for overlays
- Blending mode
- Opacity
Face adjustments (only one face is included)
- Skin
- Shapes (nose, eye, mouth, etc)
- If a photo include more than one detected face, then face adjustments are not included. Face adjustments are only included if the photo include on detected face.
Adjustments NOT included:
- Crop (this is still debated, please reach out to us if you have a different opinion)
- Perspective
- Distortion
- Border
- Liquify
- Pixelate
- Reflect