Polarr Creator Fund

To recognize popular filters made by Polarr creators, Polarr will launch a Creator Fund to reward eligible creators where they can receive monthly monetary payouts based on their public filter usage. Starting on April 1, 2023, the Creator Fund will be available for all creators around the world, except in China. 

Payouts aren't guaranteed for all creators. To receive potential payouts from Polarr's Creator Fund, creators need to consistently create high quality, public filters that people want to save and export. When a creator publishes more high quality, public filters in the app, their monthly payout from the Creator Fund will also increase.



Starting on April 1, 2023, there will be no more eligibility requirements to join the Polarr Creator Fund. This means that all new creators and existing creators located anywhere but China are automatically eligible to start receiving monthly payouts. However, the minimum payout threshold is $1, meaning if your payout is under $1, Polarr won't process the payout and the amount will not rollover to future months. In order to receive your monthly payout, you must:


How Payouts Work

When you have a monthly payout pending, you will be prompted to set up a PayPal connection. You will also be asked to agree to Polarr Creator Fund Terms.

Polarr will start reviewing and calculating your potential payout on the 1st day of each month. For example, you will be able to see your April 2023 payout on the 1st day of May 2023. Polarr's review process ensures you do not violate Polarr's Creator Fund Terms, Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. Your payout will be calculated based on the following:

  • How frequently and how many paid Polarr exporters, defined as Polarr users who pay an active Polarr Lite subscription, are using your public filters to export photos relative to other creators' filters.

Every month, $3,000USD will be distributed across all Creators participating in the Creator Fund. Creators will receive 100% of the revenue made from Polarr Lite subscriptions when a public filter they created in that month's period is used. Alternatively, for filters that were created prior to the month's period:

  • Creators in the United States will receive 70% of the revenue made from Polarr Lite Subscriptions.
  • Creators in Thailand will receive 3% of the revenue made from Polarr Lite Subscriptions.
  • Creators who are not located in the United States and Thailand will receive 8% of the revenue made from Polarr Lite Subscriptions.  
Filter rev share US Thailand Rest of the World
Filter made this month 100% of one month Lite sub revenue 100% of one month Lite sub revenue 100% of one month Lite sub revenue
Filter made prior to this month 30% of one month Lite sub revenue 3% of one month Lite sub revenue 8% of one month Lite sub revenue

These percentage of revenue shares granted to Creators in the Creator Fund may change every month without notice by discretion of the Polarr Team. Only exports from public filters by active Polarr Lite subscribers are eligible for payouts because the Polarr Lite subscription is focused on accessing and saving filters from other creators. Since Polarr Studio and Pro subscriptions are geared towards filter creation and editing tools, public filter exports from Polarr Studio and Pro will not be eligible for payouts. 

When enough paid Polarr exporters use your public filters often enough, you will likely receive a payout. On the other hand, a payout is not guaranteed when not enough paid Polarr exporters use your public filters frequently.

For example: Assuming in April, Polarr only has three creators A, B and C and two paid exporters P, Q. Creator A is located in the United States and Creator B is not. Below is how A and B will receive payouts from a total fund pool of $100 in April.

  1. Polarr uses a point system where Paid Exporters P and Q will each contribute 100 points each month.
  2. At the beginning of each month, Creators A, B, and C have zero points, and throughout the month they will receive points based on how frequently P and Q exports with their filters and when those filters were created.

In the month of April, P exported a total of 200 photos with public filters. P only used older, public filters (filters not created in April) by A, B and C. Here is the point breakdown:


Creator A (Lives in US)

Creator B (Lives in Thailand)

Creator C (Does not live in the US or Thailand)

Exporter P 50 exports 100 exports 50 points  200 exports
Points 10 points 20 points 10 points 40 points
Rev Share % 30% 3% 8%  
Calculated Points 3 points 0.6 points 0.8 points 4.4 points
  • Since A is located in the US, they will receive 30% rev share when a filter they created in the past is used. They will receive 10 points from P which is then weighted to (10 * 30%) 3 points.
  • Since B is located in the Thailand, they will receive 3% rev share when a filter they created in the past is used. They will receive 20 points from P which is then weighted to (20 * 3%) 0.6  points.

In the same month, Q exported a total of 200 photos with a public filter. Q only used newer, public filters (filters created in March) that were created by A , B and C. Because Q used newer, public filters created by A , B and C, all creators (no matter their location) will receive 100% when a public, filter they created this month is used, they all receive their full points. Here is the point breakdown:


Creator A (Lives in US)

Creator B (Lives in Thailand)

Creator C (Does not live in the US or Thailand)

Exporter Q 50 exports 100 exports 50 exports 300 exports
Points 20 points 20 points 20 points 60 points
  • We sum the points P and Q contributed for Creators A, B and C. For example, Creator B gets 0.6 points from P, and 20 points from Q, thus receiving a total of 20.6 (20 + 0.6) points. 

Creator A (Lives in US)

Creator B (Lives in Thailand)

Creator C (Does not live in the US or Thailand)

Points 23 points 20.6 points 20.8 points 64.4 points
  • The payout for each creator will be calculated based on their points distribution.  For example, because Creator B received a total of 20.6 points, Creator B gets 32.0% (20.6 / 64.4) of the payout pool, thus receiving ($100 * 32.0%) $32.00USD. 

Creator A (Lives in US)

Creator B (Does not live in US)

Creator C (Does not live in the US or Thailand)

Payout $35.00 USD $32.00 USD $33.00 USD $100.00 USD

It's important to note that

  • The minimum payout threshold is $1, meaning if your payout is under $1, Polarr won't process the payout and the amount will not rollover to future months.
  • At the beginning of each month, all creators’ payouts are reset to 0, and accumulate new payouts throughout the month. This means performance in previous months won't impact the payout in the current month.
  • There is no guarantee you will receive a payout. If you were to receive a payout of $0.25USD in April, this means that you will not receive a payout notification because it is below the threshold of $1.
  • It might take a few days for Polarr to review and process your payouts.
  • As soon as you become eligible for potential payout, you will be prompted to set up your PayPal account as the payout method inside the Polarr app. You only need to do this once. You will have until the end of next month to set up your payment method before the payout expires.
  • Expired payouts will not be eligible for payouts again. 
  • Polarr will pay for the PayPal payment processing and transfer fees.  

There will be a few reasons you won't receive payouts:

  • You did not create any public filters.
  • Your payout didn't pass the minimum threshold of $1.
  • You failed to set up your PayPal account inside the Polarr app.
  • Your payout is blocked by the Polarr team due to your violation of Polarr's Creator Fund Terms, Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. In case of violation, your account could be banned permanently. 



Once you start to receive payouts, you could increase your potential payouts and grow as a creator by creating public filters that attract more paid exporters or having paid exporters using your public filters more frequently. To facilitate this, Polarr provides

  • Performance data such as top paid exporters and top performing filters in your creator dashboard (with more features to come to help you identify trends and understand your performance)
  • Regularly published and updated news, announcements and resources on our social media accounts and online communities. Make sure you follow Polarr's Socials to learn more.




I am not from the United States. What currency will I receive my payouts in?

All Creator Fund payouts will be sent in United States Dollars (USD) regardless of where you are located.


How much money does Polarr put into the creator fund?

Creators will receive 100% of the revenue made from Polarr Lite subscriptions when a public, filter they created in that month's period is used. For public filters that were created prior to the month's period: 

  • Creators in the United States will receive 30% of the revenue made from Polarr Lite Subscriptions.
  • Creators who are located around the world (not in the US) will receive 10% of the revenue made from Polarr Lite Subscriptions.  

The revenue share percentage to creators from Lite subscriptions is subject to change as determined by Polarr in our sole discretion. Also, Polarr will publish the estimated monthly total payout on this website and social media each month. 

  • In February 2023, we paid out over $100 to United States Creators only. 
  • In March 2023, we paid out over $300 to United States Creators only. 
  • In April 2023, we paid out over $340 to United States, Brazil and Thailand Creators only. 
  • In May 2023, we paid out over $1,157 to Creators around the world (except in China).
  • In June 2023, we paid out over $1,501 to Creators around the world (except in China).
  • In July 2023, we paid out over $1,849 to Creators around the world (except in China). 
  • In August 2023, we paid out over $2,364 to Creators around the world (except in China). 
  • In September 2023, we paid out over $2,251 to Creators around the world (except in China). 
  • In October 2023, we paid out over $2,848 to Creators around the world (except in China). 
  • In November 2023, we paid out over $3,113 to Creators around the world (except in China). 
  • In December 2023, we paid out over $2,618 to Creators around the world (except in China). 
  • In January 2024, we paid out over $2,589 to Creators around the world (except in China). 
  • In February 2024, we paid out over $2,829 to Creators around the world (except in China). 
  • In March 2024, we paid out over $2,788 to Creators around the world (except in China). 
  • In April 2024, we paid out over $2,903 to Creators around the world (except in China).  
  • In May 2024, we paid out over $3,282 to Creators around the world (except in China).  
  • In June 2024, we paid out over $2,513 to Creators around the world (except in China).  
  • In July 2024, we paid out over $2,909 to Creators around the world (except in China).  
  • In August 2024, we paid out over $2,330 to Creators around the world (except in China).  
  • In September 2024, we paid out over $2,173 to Creators around the world (except in China).  
  • In October 2024, we paid out over $2,241 to Creators around the world (except in China).

Will I know how much other creators are getting paid?

Polarr will not provide such data.


Can I check my current performance and past histories toward payouts?

You will be able to check your progress, payout status and histories in your creator dashboard, under your creator profile tab.


Do eligibility and payout policies change?

Polarr reserves the right to change, modify, or cancel individual payouts or the program as a whole at any time. 


Do I need to sign any agreement with Polarr?

There is no legal contract and to sign to participate. However, you will be asked to agree to Polarr's Creator Fund Terms when setting up your payment. Before releasing any monthly payouts to you, Polarr's team will review your activities and ensure you follow Polarr's Creator Fund Terms, Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. Violations may result in permanent ban.


Do I need to pay tax on payouts?

PayPal as a payment processor will help determine your tax liability, for US creators only, you might receive a 1099 form from PayPal if you receive more than $600 per year as income.


If a person uses my filter on their videos in 24FPS, does it count towards the Creator Fund?

No. Only when a paid Polarr exporter, a Polarr user who has an active Polarr Lite subscription, uses your filter on their photos in Polarr will count towards your Creator Fund payout.


If a person who has a Polarr Studio Subscription uses my filter, does it count towards the Creator Fund?

No. Only those who use your filter on their photos with an active Polarr Lite subscription will count towards your Creator Fund Payout.


I have more questions.

Please email creators@polarr.com if you have concerns about this program, or your individual payouts. 

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