Polarr Premium Status

Starting in February 2023. To help creators access more advanced features to make more interesting and unique filters for their fans, Polarr creators around the world will be able to get Polarr Premium status automatically, which share the same unlocked features as a paid Polarr Premium subscription inside the Polarr app.



To qualify, you must

  • Create at least 2 new public filters each month. A public filter means this filter is set to be discoverable by users when creating. 
  • Generate 200 new exports from other users using your filters each month. This includes usage from any filter you created in the past.

When you meet the above criteria, you will

  • Receive Polarr Premium status in the app automatically, right away, until the end of following month.
  • You may unsubscribe your subscription if you are paying for Polarr Premium. 

If you no longer meet the criteria during any month, your status will end in the last day of the following month. If you consistently meet the criteria every month, you will continue to maintain Polarr Premium status. 


What if I currently have an active Polarr Premium subscription?

The Polarr Premium status granted has no relationship to your existing paid subscription and does not extend your paid subscriptions. You may unsubscribe from your paid subscriptions and still unlock all the premium features in the Polarr app.


Can I get a refund of my Polarr Premium subscriptions once I qualify for Polarr Premium status?

We do not process refund on existing Polarr Premium Subscriptions.


Can I check my progress?

You will be able to check your progress, status ending date in your creator dashboard, under your creator profile page.


Will the criteria change?

Polarr reserves to right to change the thresholds of new filter and exports on monthly basis. This means your eligibility could change from each month, and you will see any changes in eligibility in your creator dashboard, under your creator profile page.



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