Creating and importing filters in Polarr Pro Photo Editor

In Polarr Pro Photo Editor, you can create filters from your frequently made adjustments to make the editing process even smoother. Polarr filters can be applied quickly to other images for easy bulk-image editing. 

At this time, Polarr Pro Photo Editor can only import and apply Version 5.0 filters. Version 5.0 filters refer to Polarr filters created in Polarr Pro Photo Editor. Any filters not created in Polarr Pro Photo Editor will not be compatible. Thank you for your understanding. 

Create Filter

Begin a new editing session by selecting the image you want to edit. Create your preferred adjustments. In Polarr Pro Photo Editor, you can save your adjustments as a filter in two ways:

  1. Click on the Export icon in the top right corner > "Save Edits"
  2. Click on "Filters" in the left-side menu or tap the 'F' key > "More Filters" > "Create filter"create-2.png

You can create a custom name for your filter, as well as refine the adjustments you want included in your filter. Once you're set, you can save the filter to use later for quick and easy editing, or even share it with others! 

Here's what a Version 5 Polarr Pro Photo Editor filter QR code looks like:


Import Filter

If you have a compatible Polarr filter you want to use, you can add it to your filters collection by importing it. 

Click on "Filters" in the left-side menu or tap the 'F' key > "More Filters" > "Import filter" > Select the Polarr filter QR code you want to importimport-filter_polarr-pro.pngSee this filter come to life! Tap 'Watch' to see the filter get applied to your photo step-by-step, or tap 'Learn' to play through an interactive tutorial on how this filter came to be. 


Once imported, you can find the filter in your Custom filters collection, ready to use on your next project! 





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