How do I cancel my subscription or upgrade/downgrade my subscription?

Cancel your subscription plan

Depending on which platform you made a purchase in our apps, you can easily cancel subscription through the store you purchased the app from:

Downgrade your subscription plan

Open your Polarr app, click on the Profile tab and open Settings (in the top left hand corner). Under Purchases, you will see Subscription Plan. Open Subscription Plan and you will have the opportunity to downgrade your Current Plan (if you are currently subscribed to Polarr Studio). To confirm the downgrade, click on Downgrade. When downgrading from your current subscription, the new pricing will apply in next billing cycle.


To upgrade your subscription plan

Open your Polarr app, click on the Profile Tab and open Settings (in the top left hand corner). Under Purchases, you will see Subscription Plan. Open Subscription Plan and you have the opportunity to upgrade your Current Plan (if you are currently subscribed to Polarr Lite). To confirm the upgrade, click on Upgrade.

  • When upgrading on your iOS device, you will be refunded for the remainder of your Lite subscription automatically. The upgrade is applied immediately, and the new Studio subscription is charged after you have been refunded. So, you don't have to worry about being charged for both subscriptions.
  • When upgrading on an Android device, the subscription is upgraded immediately, and the billing cycle remains the same. The price difference for the remaining period in the billing cycle is then charged to you. The subscription is upgraded immediately, and the new price will be charged on the renewal date of the billing cycle.


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